Make Your Way Through Flu Season … Quickly

Get diagnosed and be on your way to proper flu treatment within minutes.

The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that attacks your respiratory system,1 and is often mistaken for the common cold,2 making it challenging to receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. As we make our way through another flu season, fast, accurate testing is more important than ever. With rapid testing, you can be diagnosed and prescribed treatment for the flu within minutes, putting you on the road to recovery sooner.3

What Are Symptoms of the Flu?

The flu affects everyone differently, but common symptoms to watch for are:

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children than adults)4

Why is Rapid Flu Testing Important?

If caught early enough, flu symptoms can be treated with antivirals. However, antivirals are only effective in treating the virus if taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.5 An early flu diagnosis also helps contain the spread of the virus to others.6

Without an accurate diagnosis and treatment, the flu can spread easily and quickly, posing serious risks for certain groups of people, including: children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with chronic disease or weak immune systems.7 Last year in the U.S., there were an estimated 48.8 million flu cases, causing as many as 960,000 hospitalizations and nearly 80,000 flu-related deaths.8 Because the flu can become severe quite quickly, it's important for you to get tested as soon as any flu symptoms are present.

When Should I See a Doctor?

If you or a family member have any of the above flu-like symptoms, visit a walk-in clinic or your doctor's office right away. A healthcare practitioner can use rapid flu testing to detect the virus and prescribe treatment right then and there – all within minutes.

What is Rapid Flu Testing?

To treat the flu quickly with antivirals, healthcare professionals and patients need accurate, fast answers. That speed can help people address their symptoms and reduce their ability to spread the virus to others. At Abbott, we offer several types of rapid flu testing solutions.

The BinaxNOW® Influenza A & B Card 2 on the DIGIVALTM platform removes subjectivity out of visually read test results. While the ID NOWTM, a molecular-based platform, allows healthcare practitioners to test for the flu with lab-accuracy in 13 minutes or less, while the patient is still in the office. These rapid tests help clinicians make more confident and informed treatment decisions in an actionable timeframe, so you can begin proper treatment and recover sooner.9

What Happens if I am Diagnosed?

Once diagnosed with the flu, make sure you stay home to avoid infecting others. Even if you aren't taking antivirals, you can help your recovery process by getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated.10 To help you feel better fast, choose Pedialyte – which provides an optimal balance of electrolytes and sugar to replenish fluids and prevent dehydration*.11

For more information on influenza, or symptoms you may be experiencing, contact a healthcare professional.

*Mild to moderate dehydration.


1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Key Facts about the Flu.
2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cold Versus Flu.
4Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Flu Symptoms and Complications.
5Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).What You Should Know.
6Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Flu Symptoms & Diagnosis.
7Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Key Facts about the Flu.
8Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Burden of Influenza.
10Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Take Care.
11Pedialyte. What is Pedialyte?