Inspiring young minds today can produce the scientific leaders of tomorrow.

responsibility responsibility

SEP 11 2018

"Today's science and engineering students will grow up to become the inventors and innovators of tomorrow's life-changing technologies," said Jenna Daugherty, divisional vice president of Global Social Responsibility at Abbott. "Our programs are designed to foster a better appreciation of science, and by nurturing the spirit of discovery, Abbott hopes to help inspire the next generation."

STEM education

Engaging and inspiring youth in scientific exploration

In countries around the world, Abbott's science and engineering youth development programs focus on engaging students beyond the classroom and providing opportunities to explore the wonders of health technology, innovation and invention. These programs encourage young people to be more proficient in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) — providing a pathway to a promising future.

Our award-winning Family Science program is just one way we inspire kids and demonstrate how exciting science can be.

At Family Science events, dozens of Abbott scientists and other expert volunteers visit a school, museum or community center to share hands-on science activities with children and parents. Through exploration and discovery, the program makes science interesting and compelling, and kids and parents alike share the learning experience.

Nearly 40,000 children and parents have enjoyed Family Science events in China, Germany, Ireland, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom and United States, and more than 3,500 Abbott volunteers have acted as STEM ambassadors at the youth development events. About 95 percent of participants said that they valued the chance to interact with Abbott scientists.

We're thrilled to foster and engage scientific curiosity in these young minds. We can't wait to see what great things these future health technology leaders, inventors and engineers do.